【第3回】日本へ移住して、学んだこと・驚いたこと(作家・ウェブ開発者・写真家:ビアンカ・トープス) 短期連載:ASDのある女性がオランダから日本に移り住んだワケ
教訓1: 助けを求めること
教訓2: 結果を信じること
教訓3: 制度との奮闘
会社を設立しなければなりませんでしたが、それだけではなく、電話の契約をしたり、銀行口座を開設したり、住居とするアパートを探したりする必要もありました。ここで、外国人が日本で生活することの難しさに直面しました。まず始めに問題になるのが名前です。このnoteの読者に、名前にミドルネームやスペース(空白)、あるいは珍しい文字が含まれている人はいるでしょうか?その場合、残念ながら、日本の会社やサービスの95%でアカウントを作成することができないでしょう。ではミドルネームを省略したらどうでしょうか? 大胆な選択ですが、おそらく今度は身分証明書と名前が一致しないため、さらなる問題が発生するでしょう。では、名前を仮名かローマ字で書くのはどうでしょう? 今すぐ、どちらか一つに決めておいた方がいいでしょう。SuicaやPayPayにクレジットカードを使ってチャージする場合、一方は仮名で、もう一方はローマ字を使っていたらチャージできないからです。
教訓4: 孤独への対処
今では、新しい友達も増えて、日本語も少し話せるようになり、オランダの友達も頻繁に遊びに来てくれるようになりました。会社も無事に走り出し、オフィスも整い、私の生活は概ね順調です。時々、もう少し社交的なエネルギーがあれば、日本語がもっと早く上達するのにと思うこともあります。でも、これでいいのです。今も頑張っているのですから。最近、ボーイフレンドの日本の家族に会いに行った時、日本語で簡単な会話ができました。その翌日は疲れ果てて一日中ベッドにいたい気分でしたが、それでいいのです。「Slow and steady(ゆっくりと、着実に/急がば回れ)」。
An autistic woman's journey to Japan
Part 3: Life Lessons and Surprises from Moving to Japan
When I left for Japan in January 2020 for my usual three-month stay, a few people asked if I was worried about "that new Chinese virus." I confidently told them that Japan wasn't in China, so I had absolutely nothing to worry about. My friend Charlotte joined me in Japan later that month, and we even joked, "Don't cough while you're waiting in line at immigration, okay?" A month later, the entire world was turned upside down.
Charlotte and I stayed in Japan until the end of our 90-day visa-free period. The pandemic was much more manageable in Japan than in the Netherlands, where restaurants were forced to close and supermarkets only allowed a limited number of customers inside at a time. There was even a period where you could only have one visitor at home and people weren't allowed outside after 9 p.m. Both my photography work and Charlotte's job as a makeup artist were put on hold. I think the culture shock was intense for everyone, but for someone with autism, it might have been even harder—though there were advantages too. For instance, some places were much quieter, which meant fewer overwhelming stimuli.
Due to all the restrictions, I suddenly found myself with extra time. I missed Japan and finally decided to seriously tackle the question: How can I move to Japan? People always told me that becoming an English teacher was the way to go, but I knew I could never do that—not because of my English, but because of my autism. I had structured my life in a way that worked for me, with plenty of time to sit at home behind my computer. Standing in front of a class would be far too overwhelming.
Then, I discovered something better: the business manager visa. With this visa, you can start your own company in Japan and become the director. I looked at the requirements: 5 million yen in capital, an office... It wouldn't be easy, but these were concrete goals. Once again, I had something to focus on during the pandemic.
Lesson 1: Asking for Help
The visa process taught me a lesson that would come up many times later in my journey to Japan: the importance of asking for help. Maybe it's because of my autism, but I like to do things on my own. In the Netherlands, I handled my own tax returns, painted my own walls, and even designed my book cover. I'm very particular about how I want things done, and in my experience, it works best if I just do them myself. I figure out how things work, and usually, it all turns out fine. But... Japan is different. By now, I speak a little Japanese, but back then, I barely spoke any. I would never have been able to handle the visa application on my own. I wouldn't know where to start, how to do it, or heck, even understand what was written. So, I hired a Japanese company to take care of everything for me.
I still have a Japanese accountant, a lawyer who files my visa extensions, and every Friday, I practice Japanese with a volunteer from the local foreigner support group. When I mentioned to her recently that I was a bit anxious about canceling my internet subscription because I had to make a phone call, she offered to do it for me. I felt incredibly guilty, even though it was much easier for her than for me.
Lesson 2: Trusting the Outcome
I wrote earlier that I threw myself into the visa process during the pandemic, but looking back, that was actually the easiest part of the whole moving process. My application was approved in December 2020, and although Japan was closed to tourists, business manager visa holders were still allowed entry... Until the British variant of the virus appeared, and the borders closed even to new entries. I had planned to move at the end of January 2021 and had already canceled the lease on my cozy little apartment. Then, the day after Christmas, Japan announced that it would close its borders, initially for just a month. I stayed with a friend temporarily—which ended up lasting a year.
That year was the hardest of my life. I had no home, all my belongings were packed in boxes, and I had no clarity on when things would change. The border closure kept getting extended, first by a month, then "until the state of emergency is lifted," then "after the Olympics." When the borders were set to reopen in October, a pile of new paperwork had to be submitted. But before that was even processed, the borders closed again due to the Omicron variant.
My autistic brain went into overdrive. The same question replayed in my mind every day: "How can I get to Japan?" I'm used to hacking my life, finding unconventional solutions, doing things just a little differently. There must be a way, right? But there wasn't. I obsessively followed the news and Facebook groups where others in the same situation shared their experiences. On the side, I focused on my work. I published an English translation of my first book, and later, a German one too. That turned out to be a good investment.
Even after the borders reopened, the pandemic left a lasting impact on me. It felt like my ability to dream had been shattered. I couldn't trust anything anymore. Even when Charlotte bought a ticket to visit me in 2022, I thought, "Yeah, that'll probably get canceled too." It took time to relearn how to dream, to trust in the future again.
Lesson 3: Bureaucracy
I always imagined that when I finally landed in Japan after months of waiting, I would kiss the ground or at least walk through the sliding doors at Narita Airport in happy tears. Instead, my head was pounding with stress—I had so much to do!
Months earlier, when I was still in The Netherlands, I had bought a small Tokyo apartment to use as my office. I had enlisted help for this, and thanks to my realtor, the whole process went smoothly. My Japanese friend Kei had called all the utility companies to get water, electricity, and gas set up. She even spent a Sunday driving to Nitori and the supermarket to get me a futon and some basic supplies so I could quarantine there. But after that, it was up to me.
I needed to start a company, but I also needed a phone plan, a bank account, a living apartment... And here’s where I encountered the challenges of being a non-Japanese person trying to integrate into Japan. Starting with something as simple as my name. Do you have a middle name, a space, or some unusual character in your name? Tough luck—you won’t be able to create an account with 95% of Japanese companies or services. Decided to skip your middle name? Bold choice, since it’s likely that now your name won’t match your ID, which leads to more problems. Should you write your name in kana or romaji? Choose now, because you can’t do both—at least not if you want to charge your Suica or PayPay with your credit card, when one uses kana and the other uses romaji.
My first few months in Japan were so stressful that I hardly realized I was living my dream. I remember when spring came and the cherry blossoms bloomed, and all I could think was, "Oh yeah, sakura. Let me take a picture for Instagram." I felt nothing.
Lesson 4: Dealing with Loneliness
Maybe it was naïve of me, but I never considered the possibility of loneliness. I had always been good at keeping myself entertained, especially in Japan. But now I had moved, I was busy getting things sorted, I had to work and make money, and I was mostly stuck behind my desk in my office. And I felt lonely.
Previously, my trips to Japan had clear start and end dates. I knew exactly when I would return to the Netherlands, and my plans were based around that. My friends often visited Japan at the same time as me. For my Japanese friends, my visits were rare occasions, so they always made time to meet up. But now I lived here. My Japanese friends are amazing, but they have their own lives too and can’t always make time to hang out. My Dutch friends couldn’t visit during the first half of the year because the borders were still closed to tourists. Even after that, it was difficult due to high ticket prices and the lingering financial impact of the pandemic.
It took me half a year to have the mental space to act on this; I decided to look for new friends online. I installed the app Bumble, where you can search for friendships as well as dates. I also signed up for Japanese lessons. Or well, lessons... Every Friday, I chat for two hours with my teacher Mieko about all sorts of things. It was more important for me to overcome my fear of speaking than to speak flawless Japanese.
Now, I have made a couple of new friends, I can speak a little Japanese, and my Dutch friends visit regularly again. My business is up and running, my office is set, and life is generally going well. Sometimes, I wish I had more social energy because then I could probably learn Japanese faster. But it’s okay. I’m working on it. Recently, we visited my boyfriend’s Japanese family, and I was able to have small conversations. The next day, I was so exhausted I just wanted to stay in bed, but that’s fine. Slow and steady.